
movement - WASD or left joystick
- E
inventory and rune mixing screen - mouse


BUG NOTICE: You need to select the body part BEFORE selecting runes to apply to the body part. Otherwise you'll lose your runes. Sry for that


Collect runes by pressing E to eat them.
Go to a stump and press E to go to the mixing screen, there is a stump every 5 trees
Click a body part and then click on a rune to mix runes, and then either press the back button to collect more, or finish the body.


Code: Marmadukian
Art&Story: yami_does
Playtester: Chaos
Music: Over The Clouds by Ovani Sounds
SFX: Oneshot Sound Effects Pack by Dustyroom


In a world full of dangers the hero has spend a lifetime and longer protecting people.
With a party of equally heroic fighters, magicians and healers they fought evil over and over again.
But even with as skilled comrades some pieces got lost.
Not to be healed or grown back.
And so after their last fight the hero faced a bleak future.
To help, the party conjured from the separated thumb a sliver of the heroes life connecting our world and the world of spirits. The sliver, bound to the hero by life force and spell now seeks out particles in the spirit world to help them regrow and make them whole again

This game was made during the Pirate Software Jam 15 - 2024 (Shadow and Alchemy)


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This is a really nice low color-depth palette.

The purple & blue fit well together, and the green-ish undertone is a nice touch.

I like the parallax effect on the background it's well made.

Movement feels a bit "floaty" but it's not a big deal, the tree hit-boxes are a bit off feeling though.

Main issue is the lack of feedback during the "stump man creation process", it's hard to tell what's going on.

Music is calming and fits the mood well. :D

Put some additional UX/UI feedback in the Discord chat. <3


The concept is interesting and I loved the tree background. Body part crafting was also neat but it has place for improvements. I'll elaborate on it later.

There are several things I didn't like or could use an improvement:
1. Tree collision was unintuitive. I could fly through some areas of the trees where in other places there was a collision. I also hated the V typed tree branches where runes were placed. Was frustrating to get there and pick up the rune.

2. The movement was strange. I would expect a bit smoother & controllable movement but if that was your design choice then you can ignore this comment.

3. Only from description I understood that the "pot" is every 5 trees (Reading is hard). Even without that knowledge, it desperately needs an indication for nearest pot or cauldron. Maybe even a fast travel to it. While playing I lost it several times and had to use my memory & guessing if thats the right place where it was.

4. After crafting a body part I was expecting that something will change to my player character. Either visually or functionally (bigger; faster; more controllable) but nothing changed :( There has to be something to satisfy player. Additionally maybe some small instruction or description how/why can be added there, so that dummies like me understand how/why am I doing that.

5. From intuitive perspective it makes all the sense in the world to have a human body and body parts, but... player character isn't really a human :D Maybe it would make more sense to change it to something more fitting for the character ? It could give you lots of possibilities on how much/what kind of body parts your character has. In the long term maybe you can expand this mechanic to transform/upgrade your player character in a different form that will have different "anatomy".

(1 edit) (+1)

This has some really good points.
Most of what you mentioned comes down to us not having had enough time to playtest and optimize or even add everything that was needed, f.e. the rune descriptions
We really appreciate your feedback


I have really enjoyed my time with this.

The controls are nice, I really like the slightly floaty feel, it gives it distinct character without being annoying.

The building of a body is a nice different concept.

The artwork is absolutely beautiful, the colour palette is pleasing and the parallax scrolling is extremely well done and love the effect at the top of the screen too.

The cool graphical representation of adding the runes to the body parts is really nice.

Seriously fantastic.


Thank you so much.
I'm the artist and this is the first ever game I made. I'm so glad it worked well and that you enjoyed it


Nice concept, the game is a chill "Craft your human" experience, I like the style and the color choice, the controls are fine but the thing is not really responsive, but still manageable. I would have liked to see it wiggle a little while moving. I think you can do that after a certain number of runes seated the thing becomes fat and slower so you know you have enough runes.

Anyway, the music is really cool and art is nice too. Good job!

Thank you so much for taking your time to comment.
Wiggle will definitely be implemented, as will other things


Very nice game idea!

Things I enjoyed:

Audio: I love the sounds! The snip sound of the bite and sounds in general feel very satisfying. Music was nice too

Art: The game is very visually pleasing to look at

My main concerns include:

The movement: It feels very slippery and hard to progress the game when trying to move around.

No tutorial: Your game description was a bit helpful but I fullscreened the game and was very confused how to do anything with no tutorial.

Overall a nice game. It can become something really cool if you pursue working on it further!

Thank you for taking the time on our game.
I agree a tutorial would have made it a lot easier but sadly we barely managed to put in all the mechanics and have it run. Glad we did put it out anyway bc that has given us replies like yours that we can build on

That’s all that matters is that you’re glad you finished. It was definitely a neat and original concept you can build off of!


I'm glad I read the game description before I played!

Honestly when I started and moved around and saw the massive delay in the character movement to start/stop I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I HATE THIS" but actually it was totally fine, floating around the trees and eating runes was actually really chill.

I kinda zoned out at one point just going from tree to tree and totally forgot I was supposed to actually do something with all the runes I was eating haha.

I eventually stumbled my way down to a stump and started randomly clicking everything trying to figure out what to do. Eventually I noticed the limbs sometimes turned blue so I just kept adding stuff that kept them blue and it eventually worked! I made a human...? Who knows I apparently deleted my save.

It was a fun little experience I really liked the limited colour pallete and the art I wish there was an explanation on what to actually do in the game especially with the crafting but I maanged to figure it out and I had a fun time doing it :)

Hiyaa late reply.
We loved hearing that you zoned out and let yourself be carried by the game and enjoyed the art.
We do plan on refining the rune combining and make it easier to understand
Really appreciate the time you took for this

ohhh i kept deleting my runes at the table :’)

Really cool game! Didn't realize the issue with what I was doing but eventually figured it out, the UI was definitely intuitive after a bit of inspection, noice work!